Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring has sprung

At long last the sun has come into our garden. Morgan was the first to jump out of his bed and run outside and I followed reluctantly – although I like the sun very much the rain always seems to fall the moment I get outside. I love spring – lots of flowers to sniff, more birds appear and such a mixture of smells but all lovely. There is more movement from Billy, Mikey and Elly and lots of visitors have come to our pond looking so attractive to play with (frogs they are called). I could sit watching them for hours. At the moment, Morgan is running up the tree and disappears for hours somewhere (even I don't know where he goes). I make regular trips to my friend’s house for fuss and food. Only a while to go now until summer is in full swing with the heat and long catnaps in the sun. The days seem to last longer so I have adjusted my naps time and awake time accordingly – now I have longer sleeping and longer playing but in that case I should have more food as logic goes but I’m not so I don’t like that. Morgan gets the same problem but he supplements it with having more mice – AND he won’t share. How cattish is that?