Monday, November 27, 2006

Ode to Trees

Today is part of National Tree Week (22nd November - 3rd December) as I overheard Katty saying. As many of my friends know, me and trees go back a long way. In my first 6 months, I got stuck up no less than 6 trees and had to be rescued in a very dramatic ways (thank you Jacqui, Rosalind's dad, Sue, Steve, Amanda x2 and everyone else who watched/co-ordinated the rescue missions).Therefore I thought it would be appropriate to write a lovely tribute to them (the trees).

Ode to Trees

Oh tree, oh tree
How I love climbing thee
And nearly reaching the sky
I run up your chest
In feline zest
And pretend that I can fly.

Oh tree oh tree
I’m nearly three
And still it makes me gladder
When I make a meow
Whilst on your bow
So my human has to go get the ladder

Oh tree oh tree
It’s so funny
When they climb up your trunk so brown
They pant and they puff
On their face they look
A picture when I run down.

1 comment:

Michelle Wood said...

Great post....and those eyes!! Wow! :-)