Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmouse 2006

This Christmouse has been very exhausting but we’ve been very lucky too. We got plenty of presents too, lots of catnip treats from our friends Frodo and Freyr (and Maeve), and they also bought us a feathery play thing and MORE catnip. We got treats from Mum and Dad, our friend Abigail over the road bought us a mouse (we presume this is the Christmouse) and we also got a blue pyramid to attack. We had our stockings and got lots of presents in there too. It just gets better. We were so excited on Christmouse Eve looking up the chimney for Santa especially me because I’ve had more Christmouse’s here than Scooby and I’m 3 months older so as you can imagine I’m 3 times more cleverer. We thought on Christmouse day we might get a mouse for dinner but we didn’t so it was a bit disappointing. Last Christmouse I got a bird for Katty. I left it in the kitchen so when she came back at noon from going somewhere she would have it as a surprise. As it turned out it really upset her – how ungrateful can you get? Then she insisted on conducting one of her funerals so that ruined the day so I didn’t bother this year. I thought what is the point in getting something that is not appreciated. I’m not going to waste my time. I bet you can’t believe unappreciative she is. The amount of times I’ve bought mice and birds in for her and she is not happy. It’s the thought that counts I think… well as long as the thought has some catnip on top of it. I hope you had a purry Christmouse and have a very happy new year.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Getting ready for Christmouse

It has been very tiring this week watching Katty sorting out Christmouse presents and writing cards so that is why we haven’t posted recently. There has been some heavenly catnip smell coming from certain areas in the house but she says we have to be patient. I have never heard the word patient before and I don’t know what it means. Apparently we have to wait if we want to be patient. Wait? I don’t like the sound of that. Morgan feels the same (finally something we agree on!). I have torn up a lot of paper this week that Katty has been playing with. She has also cut up lots of photos of me and Morgan and put them in cards. She says she has sent one to my sisters, Mitsy and Jasmine. She asked me if I would like to meet my sisters – I said no. Competing with Morgan for food is bad enough let alone another two of me. I still miss my mum though and so does Katty, that’s what she says anyway.I have put my Christmouse photo (and Morgan’s) on the blog for everyone too see. I think I look dazzling and the tinsel just complements my elegance and superiority. Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated. We will post again before Christmouse and sorry for the lateness of our post.

Ode To The Tree (Recovered)

Ode to the tree

This week is National Tree Week (22nd November to 3rd December) in commemorating this and taking into account that I’ve had the funnest time of my life up trees I have created the following Ode to the Tree
Oh tree, oh tree
How I love climbing thee
And nearly reaching the sky
I run up your chest
In feline zest
And pretend that I can fly.

Oh tree oh tree
I’m nearly three
And still it makes me gladder
When I make a meow
Whilst on your bow
So my human has to go get the ladder

Oh tree oh tree
It’s so funny
When they climb up your trunk so brown
They pant and they puff
On their face they look
A picture when I run down.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Advent treats for Morgan

I can’t believe my luck. Now Katty is giving us treats in the morning as well as at night. She says something about advent? Whatever that is I don’t know but if it means we’re getting more food it has to be good. I kind of remember the same thing happening last year but then it stopped – after a day of pigging out. This advent thing has a bad side though. It's so windy. I hate the wind. My fur and whiskas start blowing and I lose myself. Humans don't like it either. I hear them cursing as they walk down the street and I think if you don't like the weather stay in all day like me. Though humans are a bit like blind newly-born kittens when it comes to common sense so I feel sorry for them really more than anything.
All week I’ve not been up to much except posing for our Christmas photos. Every Christmas you see Katty takes a photo of me and Scooby and sends it to all our friends. She also takes us one on our birthday with our cake. It’s quite exhausting you know all this being handsome. After my trauma my face is more or less back to normal and the humans have stopped fussing over it – but they do keep telling me I am as gorgeous as ever. I knew that even when I was a kitten however I still love people saying so. And to put my mind at rest can anyone explain to me what a cattery is? I’ve heard that word so many times over the last few days spoken by mum and dad after saying Scooby and my name but I don’t know what it is or whether it is good or bad. Shall I purr or growl? I just don’t know.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Ode to Trees

Today is part of National Tree Week (22nd November - 3rd December) as I overheard Katty saying. As many of my friends know, me and trees go back a long way. In my first 6 months, I got stuck up no less than 6 trees and had to be rescued in a very dramatic ways (thank you Jacqui, Rosalind's dad, Sue, Steve, Amanda x2 and everyone else who watched/co-ordinated the rescue missions).Therefore I thought it would be appropriate to write a lovely tribute to them (the trees).

Ode to Trees

Oh tree, oh tree
How I love climbing thee
And nearly reaching the sky
I run up your chest
In feline zest
And pretend that I can fly.

Oh tree oh tree
I’m nearly three
And still it makes me gladder
When I make a meow
Whilst on your bow
So my human has to go get the ladder

Oh tree oh tree
It’s so funny
When they climb up your trunk so brown
They pant and they puff
On their face they look
A picture when I run down.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Survive Your Diet the Scooby Way

I am going through every feline’s worst nightmare. I’m on a diet. I have lost .3 in 2 weeks and I can feel the difference already. I am much colder. I have learnt many tricks though to keep the food intake up. I have written here my top 10 for any other poor cat who is put on a diet:
1. Identify the soft-touch. This human will give you food no matter what, no matter when and all you have to do is put on your ‘deprived’ look
2. Sit forlornly next to your food bowl. Even daft humans will understand this demand
3. Jump on the cupboards. They will bribe you with anything just to get you off.
4. Every cat knows that coming through the cat flap immediately entitles you to some food. Go out and come in every 5 minutes
5. Place yourself at your human’s feet when they are eating. Food rains down on you
6. Seductively fall down and roll over in a doorway and wait for someone to come and stroke you then as they touch you get up and go to your bowl
7. When you see someone walk into the kitchen run after them and catch them up. When they try to walk out stand in front of the door
8. Wrap yourself round somebody’s feet and follow them around. This doesn’t work for lazy humans.
9. If you’re unlucky enough to have a brother like me, turn it into a positive and eat his dinner too
10. If all else fails, go to your other homes and repeat steps 1-9 there.
Good luck

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Scooby's CATastrophe (part 2)

I go dizzy at the mere suggestion… or perhaps it has something to do with the pinprick in my back. Either way I go into shock. I look at Katty plaintively and she gives me a kiss. Well that’s a good sign anyway. I go and sit next to her. Hoping that’s the end but no. One more thing, my mouth is opened and I get a tablet in my mouth. Thrown in like the way Morgan throws the mice around. The cage is lifted onto the table and I can’t get in quick enough. A refuge. A haven. I hear the word diet several times. Katty tells me afterwards that I put on 0.5kg (1.1lbs). My weight is now 5.7kg (12.5lbs). Well done I think but apparently the vet isn’t pleased. I go on the move again hopefully homeward bound. I smell another cat behind me but Katty turns the cage around so I can’t see. I think really it’s because she doesn’t want to make the other cat jealous by showing how handsome I am. I get put down and then picked up. I go out in the fresh air. I breathe it in. There’s so many smells its confusing but I don’t have time to filter them as I get put in the car. It’s always best to be inside the car I think rather than the outside. On the inside you don’t get hurt. We drive through bumps and holes and finally reach home. Home. The words have never sounded so sweet. I am lifted out and carried into the house. I smell Morgan. He’s probably come to take the micky out of me. But no, he looks at me sympathetically – well for a moment anyway and then he bites my tail. I’m in no mood to play. I’ve had the shock of my life. I need to digest what’s just happened – literally I decide. I sit in front of my bowl hoping someone will take pity on me. Nothing. I feel too hopeless to persist and go and look outside the window. I am a broken cat. As I am sitting there I reminisce about my relationship with food. For every memory I’ve got, I recall the food that went with it. When I was in hospital for example I had dry food. It was boring. So tasteless and sad. Just how I felt. I remember my mum’s warm milk. So warm and luscious. I miss my mum. She’d laugh at me that I’m on a diet. She ate like me but she was still so thin. Lucky mum. I was getting very upset and I needed to comfort myself. I went in the only place that understands me. The food cupboard.
How is Scooby going to cope? Find out next Saturday.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Morgan's scar

Scooby won't be happy that I'm interrupting his cliffhanger but I had a traumatic few days and a scar to prove it. Anyway Scooby always interrupts my meals so I'll get my own back. I had been feeling sleepy for a while and humans kept coming to see me. I liked having attention lavished on me usually but not now. I wanted to be left alone. I went down to eat and got hauled into the cage. I was very shocked. Katty took me to the vets. She was very worried my face had got larger, like a hamsters pouch she said. The vet prodded and poked my swelling and then stuck an injection in my face. Then I sort of lost half my face. I couldn't feel. The vet did something with a scalpel and now I have a gaping wound in the side of my face. It was very shocking. I was traumatised. What would the girls think of me now? My handsome face was scarred forever. I was wrong. When I saw myself in the mirror I suddenly realised I look like a really tough cat. Now I've got one up on Scooby. He has no scar. My scar is the focus of everyone's attention. However there are bad things about my scar. It attracts unwanted attention too. Twice a day I get an tablet thrown day my throat. Why this is I can't understand. I think it is because they are jealous. They'd like a scar just like mine too.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Scooby's CATastrophe (part 1)

I'm just recovering. I had the most terrible weekend - worse than my worst nightmare. It all started... well when I woke up really. As soon as I couldn't open the cat flap I knew something was wrong. What is it? My mind raced. Morgan went out without any problem so I feared the worst. I was going to the vet. A living hell for all animals. My mind could barely remember the last time I went but I knew the score. I had seen Morgan's futile attempts to not get in the cage (he sticks all his 4 paws out). But i had a go anyway... you never know do you? My heart was pounding. All I could do was let out a moan - a plea. I was in the cage. How could Katty do this to me? Her soothing voice comforted me a bit. She always promises she will never let anything bad happen to me. She spoke softly as she took me there and when we were in the waiting room I smelled my destination. What was that sound? I could hear people talking. "Scooby" mum said I love it when people say my name but not this time. It was the last thing I want to hear. I heard a bark. Stop! Stop! Part of me is relieved I'm in this cage now. Protected. I hear my name again "Scooby." Usually I hear it and think what a wonderful name it is but this time I hated it. On the move again. I am put down on some surface. After a moment I am lifted up again. I wish I could see where I am going but all I can see is objects. The smell stays the same. The worst smell any cat could smell, even worse than stale food. Another surface I'm lifted on. The cage door opens. I stay still. Perhaps no-one will notice me. No such luck. There's Katty trying to lure me out. I shut my eyes - go away, go away! The top comes off my world - well not exactly my world, the cage and I'm dragged onto a table with everyone staring at me. I smell dogs and cats and sweat glands of the earlier victims. I'm getting prodded and poked like a mouse. I tuen round and see a computer, 'I can use one of those' I think and head to it. I'm pulled back. Then I hear a word that's 2nd in my list of most hated words: diet.
Find out what happens next... Continued on Saturday

Friday, November 03, 2006

Our friend's birthday

It was one of our friends, Frodo, 1st birthday on the 28th October. The companion of our yearly-supplier-of-all-things- catnip, Frodo was treated to a lovely nut cake and presents. Right up his street but to me it doesn't sound very appetising. Whatever takes your fancy I guess. Frodo was joined by none other than his best friend Freyr (a cat just like me). They are actually friends though. Frodo and Freyr really like each other. That's what I can't believe.We all hope you had a lovely time Frodo.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scooby on night-time

Now Morgan's told you about what happens at his bedtime I'll tell you what happens at mine... I sleep. I go up about 7 and reserve my seat and go to sleep there and then. When I hear Katty coming in my room to go to bed I then get up and request some food - well why not? It's best to keep them on their toes day and night. I then refuse to go upstairs and want to go outside. Katty draws a deep breath and takes me upstairs and then gives me some catnip when I go back to bed. Lovely. I love catnip. It makes my day - or night as it now is. Because of my early bedtime and continous catnaps throughout the day it allows me to get up bright and early in the morning. I scratch the carpet up and the door until I'm let out at 7am. It takes a while but it works in the end. Katty is so hard to wake up. How frustrating. She could never be a cat - alert all day and all night.
What do I dream? Katty always asks this. But there's something cats have to keep a secret from their humans and this is one of them. Sorry.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Morgan in the doghouse

I'll set the scene: Another day, another mouse. I'm lying on the sofa resting myself when I hear that word "bedtime." It sounds down the stairs, the lights go out and I head straight for my flap. It is locked, fishcakes. My tail is flicking and another night descends on me. Scooby has already reserved his place upstairs - he went up there about 3 hours ago. What is a cat to do? Nobody tells Prince Morgan Lucky what to do... nobody. After kicking up a fuss (for all those cats out there: with your front paws grasp the hand and with your back paws kick) I give in to pressure and my sleep driven desires and make my way to my bed. I love it really, my bed I mean. I snub Katty's bed (try and sleep on it with her continuous turning and mumbling throughout the night) and go into my kingdom. What do you think? It is MINE. I'll tell you the story about how this kennel was acquired. It was around bonfire night (nearly here yet again unfortunately) a night when everything with four legs and sensitive ears is frightened to shivers under the sofa and our other next door neighbour (not the one we grace with our presence every morning) Rosie was no exception. Being the thoughtful companions they are, Rosie's friends decided to buy her a safe-house. Unfortunately Rosie is afraid of the dark so they asked me if I would like it. It was perfect. My own house. My own place where no humans could get in. I took to it straight away. Two years on it still is (thankfully Scooby isn't very keen). This is my bed and where I go at night-time. I am very proud of it and want to show it to the world. The moral of the story is.... every dog has its day and every cat has it's kennel. Oh yes and please be considerate on firework night. Katty's getting fed up of stepping in my sick in the morning.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Casper 1990-2006

We were very saddened to hear of the death of a friend called Casper. Casper lived in Kent with his friend's Margaret and Katie and had a short illness. He was in great pain and so the decision was taken to let him go. I only met Casper once but he was adorable and was very spoilt by Margaret. We pray for the soul of Casper and that he catnaps in peace.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Morgan's better... for now

Morgan's a lot happier so that makes me and Scooby happier. He is still not quite himself... not quite like Morgan usually is but he's getting there and in a day or two he'll be make to his normal cheeky self. Well I hope so anyway. I haven't told him yet that he's go to be de-fleaed and wormed. I've already upset Scooby and now I have to upset Morgan. I feel like a totally horrible human and traitor and how ever much I tell them it's to stop that persistant itching and scratching they'll still wonder why I'm forcing it on them. Hopefully that ham I give them after will win them over...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Sad Morgan :-(

I don't usually write but today I'm writing on behalf of Morgan. He is very sad at the moment and we're very concerned for him. We're not sure who, what, where, why and how but yesterday evening I was out at work and Morgan came in he was not a happy chappy. His neck was oozing and some of his fur had been ripped out. When I came home he was upstairs on my bed and didn't respond like he usually does when I walk in and say hello. Then I went to see him and I noticed some of the fur had been ripped out on his head. Later in the evening I was told about his injuries and I went back to see if he was ok... he spat at me for touching him. He growled and spat the rest of the evening when you approached him and touched him so obviously we left him alone. He seemed very sleepy and unresponsive throughout the night that suggested perhaps he was in shock. We've come to the conclusion he must have been in a fight and not won. We certain it's not a fight with Scooby. I know people might say that I see Morgan and Scooby through rose-tinted glasses but Scooby would never do that. He's a softie is Scooby Doo and Morgan and him fight sometimes and yes, perhaps nastily but I've seen them and I know they would never be like that towards each other. This was a real nasty fight. Perhaps with another local cat, or more worringly a fox... Morgan will keep it as his secret. On closer inspection (how close Morgan will allow) I can feel the scratches on his head and some fur is hanging by a limb on his neck too. It might be his pride that's taken a bit of a bashing too.
This morning I gave him some fish (his favourite) and after sleeping all morning until 2 I gave him some more food with biscuits sprinkled on top just the way he likes it. He still seems quiet though (Morgan's quite vocal usually) and Scooby and me are going to be on our best behaviour. We'll see how he is in a few days time. I've told him he'll always be my Joint Top Cat but he didn't seem very pleased or impressed about that...

We're having a problem uploading photo's at the moment but as soon as we can we'll put some on.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Animal Welfare Sunday

Last Sunday was Animal Welfare Sunday - a time when we think about lovely animals and what joy they bring to the world and thank God for them. Well that's what I think anyway and of course to let your human spoil you. Katty told me you are meant to think about the creatures around the world who are suffering or in pain needlessly. That's what I think you should do too. Look at what a poor soul I am. Living in a world where nobody understands me, with a brother who's can, quite frankly be extremely annoying when he wants to be and without a constant supply of food. Katty says that's not the point. Some people hurt animals including cats. Hurt them? Like starve them for days, beat them up, torture them in labs, abandon them... it doesn't bear thinking about. Humans don't do that do they? I can't believe that all the humans I've met are so lovely however they do have the tendancy to abandon you when your in a mess also they're lethal in their cars. Anyway also your meant to thank God for all these wonderful animals (especially me). Katty told me and Morgan she was going to take us to an animal service at a Church. Though she made the right decision and didn't make us go because... even the thought of all those strange dogs and cats, noises and smells sends shivers down my spine.
I'm not talking to Morgan at the moment... no I've officially fallen out with him. Why? He took MY BED and didn't get up to let me sleep there. I was very upset. Even the nice cushioned bed Katty made for mer didn't make up for it and if I could I'd bite his ear off. Morgan has a bed himself. He has a kennel but last night he decided to upset me and upset me he did. Personally I don't like his kennel. It's too dark. And then he sometimes doesn't sleep in his kennel he sleeps under Katty's bed. See he has 2 potential sleeping places and I have 1 and so he decided to take MY sleeping place. It upset me greatly and I don't know if and how I will ever get over it.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mikey and Ellie

This week has been really exciting we have 2 new arrivals! Mikey and Ellie, 2 fishes, came to our house last Thursday to live with us and they are happy in their new pond joining Billy. Billy was very happy to gain some friends and so were we. I check up on them everyday to see how they are and they are settling in well but they don’t hang around. I also have to say, to all the cats out there, that fish food is delicious but not very filling.
Also this week I did ‘a Morgan’ and lost my collar. It was the new collar that they got to replace Morgan’s lost collar that was never found. They trusted me more than Morgan to be responsible with it… but I lost it anyway. Yes I did and I was proud I could finally show that I’m a match to the loopiness of Morgan but I didn’t hide it well enough and 4 days later a nice neighbour came and bought it back. I was not amused. Katty showed it to me and my heart sank though I have to say that it was lifted quite quickly by some delicious chicken she gave me after. I better go now… I’ve been exhausting myself for too long and it’s time to claim my bed for the night. I’m so tired, paw me.

Monday, September 18, 2006

My Day in a nutshell

Finally Katty's helped me to make my own account which I needed a bit of help on because, to be honest, I think I'd prefer scratching at the door than this computering. What am I meant to put now... my brothers up a tree, he was sunbathing on the car before, I've just been taking out my frustrations on the scratch mat. The rest of the day is a constant blur of eating, sleeping and licking myself (not the I'm complaining of course)... so what will I do now? I don't know. Perhaps I will eat a little more or sleep a little more. I hope you like the photo's

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Prince Morgan and the Chamber of Secrets

Well now I can finally write on my own account I am very happy... well as happy as you can be on a dull windy day. This is me radiating my true beauty above and also me up The Ladder. I know, I know. I'm irrisistable. Please note my fur round me is FAKE. Katty refuses to use real fur because, she tells me frequently, in some countries they use the fur of cats and dogs. Can you believe it? I mean I know I have lovely fur and everything but it's MINE. She says furs not fair for those you wear and you know what... I agree with her. I think fur looks better on it's owner than a human.
Today started as a usual day however it soon turned in to something different. There was I relaxing on the chair when "Mum" came and put some flea stuff on me. I know it was flea stuff because thats what the humans call it. It is cold and wet and it stinks the most vilest stench on the planet. I wasn't happy. I ran off the chair and sat by the window before fleaing outside and sitting on the wet grass - my refuge. I sat staring at the house wondering why the day was going so wrong. It could have been worse I suppose. I could have gone to the "v" place... I refuse to name that hell as the mere word sends shivers down my spine. So I sat there for a while until "Mum" came out and open the garage. I haven't told you what lies in the garage have I? Chamber of Secrets and The Ladder. The Ladder sometimes goes up to The Chamber of Secrets but that is purely on human demand. The Ladder is my throne, looking down on my lowly subjects most of the time but when attached to The Chamber of Secrets it opens up a world of treasures. "Mum" got The Ladder and me, unable to contain my excitment darted up the ladder. "Mum" said she couldn't move it and it took "Dad" to lift me down while "Mum" attached The Ladder to Chamber of Secrets. I struggled out of "Dad's" arms and legged it up The Ladder and took hours sniffing the treasure. It satisfied my addiction for another day. Scooby came up and I was mortified. What was Scooby doing in my Chamber of Secrets. I was not happy and went down in disgust.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Funeral of Mr Mouse

Katty's not happy...
It's nothing to do with me
Yes it is
No it's not I've been purrfectly behaved today unlike you who destroyed the newspaper
Well it was on the floor... it was asking for it and anyway Katty didn't mind that really it was the mouse that really upset her
What the mouse I got last night? Well where else was I meant to put it when she called me in for bedtime?
But it wasn't that was it? Katty's got used to you leaving dead mice around the place. She doesn't like the fact you kill animals but she's come to expect it. I think it's what you did at the funeral
Well it wasn't my idea to bury it was it?
No but it was your idea to attend it and it was your idea to be so disrespectful. We both decided to come and pay our last respects. She had just finished the digging and was about to place the mouse in it's resting place when you decided you couldn't part with the poor creature. So what did you do? Grabbed it in your mouth, hissed at us, ran across the lawn with it

You're face was a picture and come to think of it so was Katty's.
Luckily she managed to get it off you and quickly bury it and put compost over it. It was really funny when you were looking for it though. She tried to explain to you where it had gone but you didn't listen you just sulked and walked off in a huff. Bless that poor mouse anyway...I'd never do anything like that.
That's because you're too lazy... its got nothing to do with whether you approve of it your not.

Well what can I say to that? I know I'll jump on you.. you had it coming matey....

Friday, September 08, 2006

You can email us!

Whilst Morgan's out frogjumping maniacally around the grass, we've just been set up a new purr-mail account. If you want to contact us it's :-)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Tail of the Missing Collar

Please notice the new link (that works now) to our mum's memorial page. Whilst on the Blue Cross website, you can always take a look at the other memorials of animals that have died. Each one of them deserves a mention. They made someone happy like we do to Katty and like mum did to many people. You can even donate to the Blue Cross's tireless work. So many animals would be grateful.
Yes and I've got the funniest story to tell today... well I found it funny anyway. I managed finally to get my collar off. For 2 years I've been trying desperately and desperately and I've managed to get bells off and my cat-flap magnet but now I've finally snapped it. I'm not telling you how I got it off... That's a secret but I will tell you that the best bit was seeing how long it took to get it noticed. I was laughing in their face and they didn't even notice. I was stretched out on the lawn (I hung round more than usual) whilst being tickled and suddenly Katty noticed. Now she's getting me a really trendy one and I'm so excited. I was insulted when she got the last one for me. Regal purple it may be but a quality, expensive one it wasn't.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Remembering Sonny

Today we mourn the one year anniversary of the passing of a very dear friend. Sonny died last year from a stroke aged just 8. Here's a photograph of him with me (I'm the one sitting up Sonny is looking at me). I met him just a year before. He was so lovely and calm. I bounded up to him the first day I met him and since then for a year I entertained him. I gave him a new lease of life even his housemates Beryl and Alan agreed. I still remember him and sometimes wait for him to walk through the conifers. We all miss him dearly.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Our first meeting

Scooby and Morgan sunbathing

Can we introduce ourselves? Well tough we're going to anyway. I'm Prince Morgan Lucky but you may call me Morgan.
and i'm Scooby Max (after my mum)...
well yes, obviously. I'm the oldest by 3 months and 7 days. Now I am 2 years old and very intelligent with it. I live very happily in Leicester with my dear brother Scooby and my family but life hasn't always been this easy for me. Let me tell you:
I was born on the 9th April 2004 in a locker at a clinic in London. My lovely mother Max - who had lived there from the Summer before - gave birth to me in a locker. I'll try and arrange for the pictire of the locker to be posted on this blog as I believe it is very important for you to know me. I was one of 6. 6 WOW! Sadly we were a little early and in the following days my five brothers and sisters passed away - now you know where I get all my spirit from I'm not only living for myself but for my 5 siblings as well! As you can imagine anyway it was a very sad time for me and my mum especially. I was very weak and I had to be syringe fed by my good friend Kim. She was helped by a nurse at the clinic whose surname was... yes you've guessed it - Morgan!! That's where I got my groovy name from. The 'Prince' and 'Lucky' bit were added afterwards because that's what I am obviously...
can I tell my story now...
I've not finished yet Scooby Doo...
anyway after that rude interruption I'll continue. So I grew and grew gaining weight at an alarming rate. As I grew, I grew more cheeky. Twice I got stuck up trees and was rescued by a carer, Jacqui (who had to climb up the tree after me) and another girl's dad. and finally on the 16th July 2004 I went home.
That's the day I was born...
Here we go...
I was born in the morning on Friday 16th July with me 5 brothers and sisters. Thankfully mummy had a perfect labour and her 6 healthy kittens were born. They were named Scooby (me obviously), Moses, Bo and a boy who was named when he was homed and my sisters Mitsy and Jasmine. Mummy was very ill after we were born and we think she got mastitis. We were very concerned about her so we all were well behaved for her
Yeah, right
Yeah right yourself. One by one the kittens left mummy but I never did. I stayed with her for 9 months. I used to jump on her and she really liked that - not. She would hiss at me but I knew she loved me really... right up to the end. Mummy went on the morning of the 15th May. She was knocked down by a car they told me in the morning. She didn't stand a chance. I carried on for another 2 months as time rolled by. But then a car struck me. Mummy must have been looking down on me because I escaped with a broken pelvis. It did hurt... it was very painful. But they took me to the vets to have it fixed. I never went back to my home again. They didn't want to pay the vets bill for me (even though the person who was looking after me had 5 houses) so I went into the RSPCA. I was there on my 1st birthday and I thought my life couldn't get any worse. Then one day a light appered. A girl who had known me from where I lived heard about me and rushed to my side. She didn't abandon friends you see. When times got tough she didn't just leave me she came and helped me through it. A month later she took me to Leicester where I met Morgan.