Monday, September 25, 2006

Mikey and Ellie

This week has been really exciting we have 2 new arrivals! Mikey and Ellie, 2 fishes, came to our house last Thursday to live with us and they are happy in their new pond joining Billy. Billy was very happy to gain some friends and so were we. I check up on them everyday to see how they are and they are settling in well but they don’t hang around. I also have to say, to all the cats out there, that fish food is delicious but not very filling.
Also this week I did ‘a Morgan’ and lost my collar. It was the new collar that they got to replace Morgan’s lost collar that was never found. They trusted me more than Morgan to be responsible with it… but I lost it anyway. Yes I did and I was proud I could finally show that I’m a match to the loopiness of Morgan but I didn’t hide it well enough and 4 days later a nice neighbour came and bought it back. I was not amused. Katty showed it to me and my heart sank though I have to say that it was lifted quite quickly by some delicious chicken she gave me after. I better go now… I’ve been exhausting myself for too long and it’s time to claim my bed for the night. I’m so tired, paw me.

Monday, September 18, 2006

My Day in a nutshell

Finally Katty's helped me to make my own account which I needed a bit of help on because, to be honest, I think I'd prefer scratching at the door than this computering. What am I meant to put now... my brothers up a tree, he was sunbathing on the car before, I've just been taking out my frustrations on the scratch mat. The rest of the day is a constant blur of eating, sleeping and licking myself (not the I'm complaining of course)... so what will I do now? I don't know. Perhaps I will eat a little more or sleep a little more. I hope you like the photo's

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Prince Morgan and the Chamber of Secrets

Well now I can finally write on my own account I am very happy... well as happy as you can be on a dull windy day. This is me radiating my true beauty above and also me up The Ladder. I know, I know. I'm irrisistable. Please note my fur round me is FAKE. Katty refuses to use real fur because, she tells me frequently, in some countries they use the fur of cats and dogs. Can you believe it? I mean I know I have lovely fur and everything but it's MINE. She says furs not fair for those you wear and you know what... I agree with her. I think fur looks better on it's owner than a human.
Today started as a usual day however it soon turned in to something different. There was I relaxing on the chair when "Mum" came and put some flea stuff on me. I know it was flea stuff because thats what the humans call it. It is cold and wet and it stinks the most vilest stench on the planet. I wasn't happy. I ran off the chair and sat by the window before fleaing outside and sitting on the wet grass - my refuge. I sat staring at the house wondering why the day was going so wrong. It could have been worse I suppose. I could have gone to the "v" place... I refuse to name that hell as the mere word sends shivers down my spine. So I sat there for a while until "Mum" came out and open the garage. I haven't told you what lies in the garage have I? Chamber of Secrets and The Ladder. The Ladder sometimes goes up to The Chamber of Secrets but that is purely on human demand. The Ladder is my throne, looking down on my lowly subjects most of the time but when attached to The Chamber of Secrets it opens up a world of treasures. "Mum" got The Ladder and me, unable to contain my excitment darted up the ladder. "Mum" said she couldn't move it and it took "Dad" to lift me down while "Mum" attached The Ladder to Chamber of Secrets. I struggled out of "Dad's" arms and legged it up The Ladder and took hours sniffing the treasure. It satisfied my addiction for another day. Scooby came up and I was mortified. What was Scooby doing in my Chamber of Secrets. I was not happy and went down in disgust.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Funeral of Mr Mouse

Katty's not happy...
It's nothing to do with me
Yes it is
No it's not I've been purrfectly behaved today unlike you who destroyed the newspaper
Well it was on the floor... it was asking for it and anyway Katty didn't mind that really it was the mouse that really upset her
What the mouse I got last night? Well where else was I meant to put it when she called me in for bedtime?
But it wasn't that was it? Katty's got used to you leaving dead mice around the place. She doesn't like the fact you kill animals but she's come to expect it. I think it's what you did at the funeral
Well it wasn't my idea to bury it was it?
No but it was your idea to attend it and it was your idea to be so disrespectful. We both decided to come and pay our last respects. She had just finished the digging and was about to place the mouse in it's resting place when you decided you couldn't part with the poor creature. So what did you do? Grabbed it in your mouth, hissed at us, ran across the lawn with it

You're face was a picture and come to think of it so was Katty's.
Luckily she managed to get it off you and quickly bury it and put compost over it. It was really funny when you were looking for it though. She tried to explain to you where it had gone but you didn't listen you just sulked and walked off in a huff. Bless that poor mouse anyway...I'd never do anything like that.
That's because you're too lazy... its got nothing to do with whether you approve of it your not.

Well what can I say to that? I know I'll jump on you.. you had it coming matey....

Friday, September 08, 2006

You can email us!

Whilst Morgan's out frogjumping maniacally around the grass, we've just been set up a new purr-mail account. If you want to contact us it's :-)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Tail of the Missing Collar

Please notice the new link (that works now) to our mum's memorial page. Whilst on the Blue Cross website, you can always take a look at the other memorials of animals that have died. Each one of them deserves a mention. They made someone happy like we do to Katty and like mum did to many people. You can even donate to the Blue Cross's tireless work. So many animals would be grateful.
Yes and I've got the funniest story to tell today... well I found it funny anyway. I managed finally to get my collar off. For 2 years I've been trying desperately and desperately and I've managed to get bells off and my cat-flap magnet but now I've finally snapped it. I'm not telling you how I got it off... That's a secret but I will tell you that the best bit was seeing how long it took to get it noticed. I was laughing in their face and they didn't even notice. I was stretched out on the lawn (I hung round more than usual) whilst being tickled and suddenly Katty noticed. Now she's getting me a really trendy one and I'm so excited. I was insulted when she got the last one for me. Regal purple it may be but a quality, expensive one it wasn't.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Remembering Sonny

Today we mourn the one year anniversary of the passing of a very dear friend. Sonny died last year from a stroke aged just 8. Here's a photograph of him with me (I'm the one sitting up Sonny is looking at me). I met him just a year before. He was so lovely and calm. I bounded up to him the first day I met him and since then for a year I entertained him. I gave him a new lease of life even his housemates Beryl and Alan agreed. I still remember him and sometimes wait for him to walk through the conifers. We all miss him dearly.