Friday, September 26, 2008

Morgan's presents

Katty’s fallen out with me. I don’t know why, she’s not very grateful for someone who has just been showered in gifts. I missed her you see. She disappeared for a week and I stayed in a cat hotel. Whilst I sat there next to Scooby and stared longingly outside at the birds flying by I was miffed so I figured that the only way to not let it happen again was to appease the humans and I began the day I got home. Three mice I brought them the first day I was back – none which they were thankful for so I went a step further – above and beyond the call of duty. I got her a robin (well actually 2 counting the one I got yesterday too). I had heard Katty say she liked robins as well but she didn’t seem to like the ones I bought her. So now she’s not speaking to me and she says she has fallen out with me. There really is no pleasing some.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Me and my new bed

A bed fit for a prince: Might not look like anything special but it isn't half comfy