Monday, April 23, 2007

The morning after the night before...

What can I say? It’s 3 in the afternoon and I have just got up from my 6-hour nap. I am still sleepy but food beckons my empty stomach. I got inside in the early hours of the morning (I think I was sternly muttered to that it was 1am when I summoned my humans to let me out of the kitchen and upstairs into my bedroom) after being out on the prowl all night. I had so much fun but now I’m receiving the consequences of my night-time expedition. I feel like I’ve been drugged up to my eyeballs with catnip and after my temporary ‘high’ have reached a new low of fatigue and hunger. Oh well, I can quickly cure the hunger pains…
Would I do it again tonight?
It’s a date.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Scooby's Egg-celent Feast

I had a golden Easter egg that I saw sitting there,
And to leave it on its own I just couldn't bear
It had the most scrumptious smell that I just couldn’t resist,
So I knocked it off the table and thought ‘I’ll get my claws in this’
It was hard to tear the foil off but it was a job well done
For now the whole things sitting in the bottom of my tum!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Birthday to me - Morgan is 3!!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Morgan, happy birthday to me… it’s my birthday!! I’m 3 today (20 in my years)! I’ve got lots of nice presents and lots of yucky kisses (its so embarrassing when I'm kissed I'm not a kitten anymore)! 3 years ago today a very special boy was born… me! I was made a nice cake and we had a little party but I missed most of it because I was outside celebrating in my own way. I got a mouse this morning for me to celebrate with. I also got this big aerobic gym though I haven’t been on it yet I have been too busy munching all the nice fish down. It’s my favourite (the fish I mean!). Also I got lots of catnip – yum, yum and Scooby is having none of it! I had a birthday nap and a birthday clean, not to mention a birthday lick… wait a moment, whats that… it sounds like a - mouse… Scooby’s got a mouse! Scooby has a mouse! Got to go. This birthday is just getting interesting! Have to get there before Katty spoils it…