Monday, September 25, 2006

Mikey and Ellie

This week has been really exciting we have 2 new arrivals! Mikey and Ellie, 2 fishes, came to our house last Thursday to live with us and they are happy in their new pond joining Billy. Billy was very happy to gain some friends and so were we. I check up on them everyday to see how they are and they are settling in well but they don’t hang around. I also have to say, to all the cats out there, that fish food is delicious but not very filling.
Also this week I did ‘a Morgan’ and lost my collar. It was the new collar that they got to replace Morgan’s lost collar that was never found. They trusted me more than Morgan to be responsible with it… but I lost it anyway. Yes I did and I was proud I could finally show that I’m a match to the loopiness of Morgan but I didn’t hide it well enough and 4 days later a nice neighbour came and bought it back. I was not amused. Katty showed it to me and my heart sank though I have to say that it was lifted quite quickly by some delicious chicken she gave me after. I better go now… I’ve been exhausting myself for too long and it’s time to claim my bed for the night. I’m so tired, paw me.