Sunday, December 17, 2006

Getting ready for Christmouse

It has been very tiring this week watching Katty sorting out Christmouse presents and writing cards so that is why we haven’t posted recently. There has been some heavenly catnip smell coming from certain areas in the house but she says we have to be patient. I have never heard the word patient before and I don’t know what it means. Apparently we have to wait if we want to be patient. Wait? I don’t like the sound of that. Morgan feels the same (finally something we agree on!). I have torn up a lot of paper this week that Katty has been playing with. She has also cut up lots of photos of me and Morgan and put them in cards. She says she has sent one to my sisters, Mitsy and Jasmine. She asked me if I would like to meet my sisters – I said no. Competing with Morgan for food is bad enough let alone another two of me. I still miss my mum though and so does Katty, that’s what she says anyway.I have put my Christmouse photo (and Morgan’s) on the blog for everyone too see. I think I look dazzling and the tinsel just complements my elegance and superiority. Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated. We will post again before Christmouse and sorry for the lateness of our post.

Ode To The Tree (Recovered)

Ode to the tree

This week is National Tree Week (22nd November to 3rd December) in commemorating this and taking into account that I’ve had the funnest time of my life up trees I have created the following Ode to the Tree
Oh tree, oh tree
How I love climbing thee
And nearly reaching the sky
I run up your chest
In feline zest
And pretend that I can fly.

Oh tree oh tree
I’m nearly three
And still it makes me gladder
When I make a meow
Whilst on your bow
So my human has to go get the ladder

Oh tree oh tree
It’s so funny
When they climb up your trunk so brown
They pant and they puff
On their face they look
A picture when I run down.