Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scooby on night-time

Now Morgan's told you about what happens at his bedtime I'll tell you what happens at mine... I sleep. I go up about 7 and reserve my seat and go to sleep there and then. When I hear Katty coming in my room to go to bed I then get up and request some food - well why not? It's best to keep them on their toes day and night. I then refuse to go upstairs and want to go outside. Katty draws a deep breath and takes me upstairs and then gives me some catnip when I go back to bed. Lovely. I love catnip. It makes my day - or night as it now is. Because of my early bedtime and continous catnaps throughout the day it allows me to get up bright and early in the morning. I scratch the carpet up and the door until I'm let out at 7am. It takes a while but it works in the end. Katty is so hard to wake up. How frustrating. She could never be a cat - alert all day and all night.
What do I dream? Katty always asks this. But there's something cats have to keep a secret from their humans and this is one of them. Sorry.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Morgan in the doghouse

I'll set the scene: Another day, another mouse. I'm lying on the sofa resting myself when I hear that word "bedtime." It sounds down the stairs, the lights go out and I head straight for my flap. It is locked, fishcakes. My tail is flicking and another night descends on me. Scooby has already reserved his place upstairs - he went up there about 3 hours ago. What is a cat to do? Nobody tells Prince Morgan Lucky what to do... nobody. After kicking up a fuss (for all those cats out there: with your front paws grasp the hand and with your back paws kick) I give in to pressure and my sleep driven desires and make my way to my bed. I love it really, my bed I mean. I snub Katty's bed (try and sleep on it with her continuous turning and mumbling throughout the night) and go into my kingdom. What do you think? It is MINE. I'll tell you the story about how this kennel was acquired. It was around bonfire night (nearly here yet again unfortunately) a night when everything with four legs and sensitive ears is frightened to shivers under the sofa and our other next door neighbour (not the one we grace with our presence every morning) Rosie was no exception. Being the thoughtful companions they are, Rosie's friends decided to buy her a safe-house. Unfortunately Rosie is afraid of the dark so they asked me if I would like it. It was perfect. My own house. My own place where no humans could get in. I took to it straight away. Two years on it still is (thankfully Scooby isn't very keen). This is my bed and where I go at night-time. I am very proud of it and want to show it to the world. The moral of the story is.... every dog has its day and every cat has it's kennel. Oh yes and please be considerate on firework night. Katty's getting fed up of stepping in my sick in the morning.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Casper 1990-2006

We were very saddened to hear of the death of a friend called Casper. Casper lived in Kent with his friend's Margaret and Katie and had a short illness. He was in great pain and so the decision was taken to let him go. I only met Casper once but he was adorable and was very spoilt by Margaret. We pray for the soul of Casper and that he catnaps in peace.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Morgan's better... for now

Morgan's a lot happier so that makes me and Scooby happier. He is still not quite himself... not quite like Morgan usually is but he's getting there and in a day or two he'll be make to his normal cheeky self. Well I hope so anyway. I haven't told him yet that he's go to be de-fleaed and wormed. I've already upset Scooby and now I have to upset Morgan. I feel like a totally horrible human and traitor and how ever much I tell them it's to stop that persistant itching and scratching they'll still wonder why I'm forcing it on them. Hopefully that ham I give them after will win them over...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Sad Morgan :-(

I don't usually write but today I'm writing on behalf of Morgan. He is very sad at the moment and we're very concerned for him. We're not sure who, what, where, why and how but yesterday evening I was out at work and Morgan came in he was not a happy chappy. His neck was oozing and some of his fur had been ripped out. When I came home he was upstairs on my bed and didn't respond like he usually does when I walk in and say hello. Then I went to see him and I noticed some of the fur had been ripped out on his head. Later in the evening I was told about his injuries and I went back to see if he was ok... he spat at me for touching him. He growled and spat the rest of the evening when you approached him and touched him so obviously we left him alone. He seemed very sleepy and unresponsive throughout the night that suggested perhaps he was in shock. We've come to the conclusion he must have been in a fight and not won. We certain it's not a fight with Scooby. I know people might say that I see Morgan and Scooby through rose-tinted glasses but Scooby would never do that. He's a softie is Scooby Doo and Morgan and him fight sometimes and yes, perhaps nastily but I've seen them and I know they would never be like that towards each other. This was a real nasty fight. Perhaps with another local cat, or more worringly a fox... Morgan will keep it as his secret. On closer inspection (how close Morgan will allow) I can feel the scratches on his head and some fur is hanging by a limb on his neck too. It might be his pride that's taken a bit of a bashing too.
This morning I gave him some fish (his favourite) and after sleeping all morning until 2 I gave him some more food with biscuits sprinkled on top just the way he likes it. He still seems quiet though (Morgan's quite vocal usually) and Scooby and me are going to be on our best behaviour. We'll see how he is in a few days time. I've told him he'll always be my Joint Top Cat but he didn't seem very pleased or impressed about that...

We're having a problem uploading photo's at the moment but as soon as we can we'll put some on.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Animal Welfare Sunday

Last Sunday was Animal Welfare Sunday - a time when we think about lovely animals and what joy they bring to the world and thank God for them. Well that's what I think anyway and of course to let your human spoil you. Katty told me you are meant to think about the creatures around the world who are suffering or in pain needlessly. That's what I think you should do too. Look at what a poor soul I am. Living in a world where nobody understands me, with a brother who's can, quite frankly be extremely annoying when he wants to be and without a constant supply of food. Katty says that's not the point. Some people hurt animals including cats. Hurt them? Like starve them for days, beat them up, torture them in labs, abandon them... it doesn't bear thinking about. Humans don't do that do they? I can't believe that all the humans I've met are so lovely however they do have the tendancy to abandon you when your in a mess also they're lethal in their cars. Anyway also your meant to thank God for all these wonderful animals (especially me). Katty told me and Morgan she was going to take us to an animal service at a Church. Though she made the right decision and didn't make us go because... even the thought of all those strange dogs and cats, noises and smells sends shivers down my spine.
I'm not talking to Morgan at the moment... no I've officially fallen out with him. Why? He took MY BED and didn't get up to let me sleep there. I was very upset. Even the nice cushioned bed Katty made for mer didn't make up for it and if I could I'd bite his ear off. Morgan has a bed himself. He has a kennel but last night he decided to upset me and upset me he did. Personally I don't like his kennel. It's too dark. And then he sometimes doesn't sleep in his kennel he sleeps under Katty's bed. See he has 2 potential sleeping places and I have 1 and so he decided to take MY sleeping place. It upset me greatly and I don't know if and how I will ever get over it.