Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Animal Welfare Sunday

Last Sunday was Animal Welfare Sunday - a time when we think about lovely animals and what joy they bring to the world and thank God for them. Well that's what I think anyway and of course to let your human spoil you. Katty told me you are meant to think about the creatures around the world who are suffering or in pain needlessly. That's what I think you should do too. Look at what a poor soul I am. Living in a world where nobody understands me, with a brother who's can, quite frankly be extremely annoying when he wants to be and without a constant supply of food. Katty says that's not the point. Some people hurt animals including cats. Hurt them? Like starve them for days, beat them up, torture them in labs, abandon them... it doesn't bear thinking about. Humans don't do that do they? I can't believe that all the humans I've met are so lovely however they do have the tendancy to abandon you when your in a mess also they're lethal in their cars. Anyway also your meant to thank God for all these wonderful animals (especially me). Katty told me and Morgan she was going to take us to an animal service at a Church. Though she made the right decision and didn't make us go because... even the thought of all those strange dogs and cats, noises and smells sends shivers down my spine.
I'm not talking to Morgan at the moment... no I've officially fallen out with him. Why? He took MY BED and didn't get up to let me sleep there. I was very upset. Even the nice cushioned bed Katty made for mer didn't make up for it and if I could I'd bite his ear off. Morgan has a bed himself. He has a kennel but last night he decided to upset me and upset me he did. Personally I don't like his kennel. It's too dark. And then he sometimes doesn't sleep in his kennel he sleeps under Katty's bed. See he has 2 potential sleeping places and I have 1 and so he decided to take MY sleeping place. It upset me greatly and I don't know if and how I will ever get over it.

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