Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Mothering Sunday message to our mum

To Mum,
Hello mummy, we haven’t spoken in a while. Look at us! Are you proud of us? We are! We were nothing like this when you last saw us – just as gorgeous perhaps but not as big or as grown-up. You’ve made us like this mum – we’re just like you – especially me! We still remember you though we couldn’t forget. Morgan and me have agreed (on the rare occasions we do) that some of our best moments were curled up with you in our basket nuzzling you. Morgan giggles as he remembers still trying to nuzzle you when you were pregnant with me and my brothers and sisters you weren’t half angry he says but agrees he was pushing his luck a bit. So what you doing mum? Still hunting in the great cat land in the sky, or are you tenderly looking after your lost babies just like you wanted to when they were born? You were a great mum – well you must have been to have spawn offspring like us. You should see the things Morgan catches – he’s doing it for you too… and for me. I sleep like you instead mum, Morgan’s more the hunter. And you should see how much we eat. It would be too much for even you. But we’re big boys now – was our dad big because we know we didn’t get it from you. You were tiny and delicate and when I was little I kept jumping on you and you told me off is it because one day you knew I would be too big to jump on you and I’d hurt you?
We’re still sad you had to go mum and we still miss you though we treasure it when you occasionally visit us from the other side – can’t you stay a bit longer though? Me and Morgan would do anything for a last cuddle – we have to make do with the humans and you know how useless they are.
This Mothering Sunday mum, we bought you a bowl. Do you like it? I know you were a great lover of food – you liked things like mice and birds and perhaps the odd squirrel but we were told no, we couldn't catch one in your memory so.a bowl it was to be. Now every time we eat out of it we’ll think of you and remember the life you bought to our old house. You gave us life too mum and without you we wouldn’t be here at all.
We love you mummy; Happy Mothering Sunday.
Lots of love and catnip,
Morgan and Scooby purr, purr, purr

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