Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a fortnight!

I knew something was happening when the suitcase appeared, but 'oh no' said Scooby, 'they're just getting us out some fun things to hide in' - last time I believe him! I saw the cage out and I KNEW I was doomed but it was too late - they had locked me in. I kicked and I growled, I meowed and I spat but once they have you there is no getting away. A week I spent with Scooby in a little hotel room, very well looked after I must say and it flew by in a matter of cat naps. Scooby came and curled up with me though and I didn't have much choice, I was stuck with him though luckily this time he didn't eat all my food! We had only seemed to have got back 5 minutes and Katty disappeared again amongst a bit of a kerfuffle. Did I miss her? Well YES because no more night time treats for me. I decided to spend 2 nights in the kitchen because continuous enclosure with Scooby does get a bit much after a while. I am now hoping (paws crossed) that things will settle down now she's back, perhaps even go back to normal but I might be asking too much as there is nothing such as normal in our house!

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